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Tooth Extractions
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Illustration of a tooth being extracted at Florida Smiles Dental in Fort Lauderdale, FLOnce your permanent teeth come in they are supposed to stay in - hence the name “permanent.” Unfortunately, that is not always the case, especially when untreated disease has taken over the mouth, and an extraction may need to be performed. Florida Smiles Dental performs extractions as a restorative treatment, because we believe that an extraction should be done to promote overall oral wellbeing.

Why We Extract Teeth

While teeth may need to be extracted for any number of reasons, such as with wisdom teeth or when there are too many teeth in the mouth, one of the most common reasons is gum disease. Gum disease is very often caused by inadequate dental hygiene that gives dangerous bacteria the chance to disperse in the oral cavity. Despite its name, gum disease is not limited to the gums, which is what makes it so dangerous. These bacteria will keep attacking the rest of the mouth, even after they have started on the gums. Eventually, not only the gums but also the jawbone will be so weakened that they will not be able to support the teeth, which will begin to fall out. Once gum disease has progressed to this point, it is better to extract the teeth.

Extractions and Gum Disease

Gum disease can start with something as seemingly benign as sensitive gums, but ends with teeth falling out. So are extractions a way to prevent or cure gum disease? Sadly not. While we consider extractions to be restorative, they are performed only when there is no chance at saving the tooth and because it is better than the alternative of letting them fall out on their own. Removing a tooth will not remove the bacteria or cut down on the prevalence of gum disease in the mouth, so you will still have to undergo further treatment to save the rest of your teeth, but it is safer than letting the teeth naturally fall out. By extracting them in our office, we can help ensure that there is no infection, and can provide a socket graft to slow bone loss until a prosthesis can be placed.

What Is an Extraction Like?

When extractions are performed on teeth damaged by gum disease, they are usually very fast and easy. These are what are known as simple extractions, rather than surgical extractions, because the tooth is visible and is usually about ready to fall out on its own anyway. Even so, you will be given anesthetic and the procedure should only take a few minutes. Afterward, try and only eat soft foods that do not require much chewing as your mouth will need a little bit of time to recover. Make sure to keep your mouth clean so infection does not set in.

Do You Need a Tooth Extracted?

If your teeth noticeably move when you are chewing or biting, or if you can wiggle your teeth with just your tongue, then you may have late stage gum disease. Professionally extracting your teeth now can prevent infection and bone loss. Call 754-354-0363 to schedule your extraction with Florida Smiles Dental today.

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Tooth Extractions - Dentist Fort Lauderdale, FL - Florida Smiles Dental
Teeth may need to be extracted for any number of reasons, and our expert staff at Florida Smiles Dental can help. Call our office today to schedule your appointment!
Florida Smiles Dental, 255 SE 14th St. #200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 + 754-354-0363 + + 9/3/2024 + Page Keywords: dentist Fort Lauderdale +

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