What to Do When Your Molar Breaks Off at the Gum Line
Posted on 6/3/2024 by Florida Smiles Dental
If a molar breaks off at the gum line, it can be frightening and painful. Nonetheless, it is essential to maintain your composure and take prompt action to safeguard your oral health. What you should do immediately and how to plan for the long run are outlined here.
Immediate Steps to Take
First, gently rinse your mouth with warm, salty water to clean the area and limit the likelihood of infection. Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen can help manage pain and swelling. If the break has left sharp edges, you can protect your tongue and cheek by covering the broken molar with sugar-free gum or dental wax. This will reduce the risk of injury.
Call Your Dentist As Soon As Possible
A broken molar is a dental emergency, mainly when it breaks off at the gum line. Call your dentist as soon as you can to schedule an appointment for an urgent matter. Addressing the break as quickly as possible is essential to improving your chances of a positive outcome.
Discuss the Available Treatment Choices
Next, your dentist will evaluate the damage and discuss the many available options. A crown may be possible if a sufficient amount of the tooth structure is preserved. On the other hand, performing a root canal, crown, or possibly extraction may be essential if the break spreads below the gum line.
Consider Dental Implants
If extraction is unavoidable, you should consider conversing with your dentist about dental implants. When it comes to replacing missing teeth, implants are a long-lasting and natural-looking solution that can also prevent the movement of the teeth in the surrounding area and the loss of bone.
Prevent Breakages in the Future
To prevent recurrent dental problems, it is essential to practice proper oral hygiene, wear a mouthguard while participating in sports, and refrain from biting on hard things such as ice or hard sweets.
Are You Prepared to Restore Your Smile?
Do not wait for the situation to become even more complicated. Contact us right away to set up your consultation. Our mission is to assist you in restoring your smile and ensuring that your teeth will remain in good health for many years.
About | Dentist Fort Lauderdale, FL | Florida Smiles Dental Above all else, we here at Florida Smiles Dental want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Call us today to schedule your appointment! Florida Smiles Dental, 255 SE 14th St. #200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 | 754-354-0363 | floridasmilesdental.com | 9/4/2024 | Key Phrases: dentist Fort Lauderdale |