Invisalign is a common treatment for dental problems such as crooked teeth, gap teeth, overbites, and even crowded teeth. They are clear, which makes them much less noticeable and aesthetically pleasing compared to braces. They are also removable. This means that you can take them on and off, especially during eating or brushing your teeth.
Dentists place Invisalign over the teeth. These tight coverings help to shift teeth into position by applying pressure on them. Here are several other facts that you need to know about Invisalign;
You Need to Change Your Invisalign
It might come as a surprise to find out you will not wear the same Invisalign throughout the course of your treatment. Every two weeks your dentist will swap out your old Invisalign for new ones. Dentists shape each new set of Invisalign differently to add pressure to your teeth. This pressure pulls the teeth into the correct position.
Invisalign Are Made from Thermostatic Material
Contrary to what most people think, they do not make Invisalign from plastic. They make them from polyurethane resins, which is a thermostatic material. This material is similar to plastic in its qualities, it even resembles plastic. In addition, this material helps in the gradual shifting of teeth.
You Need to Wear Your Invisalign for A Specific Amount of Time Daily
As much as Invisalign gives you the comfort of taking them on and off, you must wear them for at least 20 or 22 hours a day. Failure to adhere to this rule will mean that your treatment may fail or that you will have to wear them for a longer period. Fortunately, Invisalign is gentle to your oral cavity, meaning that you will be accustomed to wearing them easily.
You Will Need a Retainer
Just like with braces, once you complete your treatment, you will need retainers. These retainers will help to ensure that your teeth remain in alignment by stopping them from shifting back into their former position. Finally, it is important to state that even though Invisalign are clear; they are still slightly visible. However, you can only see them when in proximity.
About | Dentist Fort Lauderdale, FL | Florida Smiles Dental Above all else, we here at Florida Smiles Dental want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Call us today to schedule your appointment! Florida Smiles Dental, 255 SE 14th St. #200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316, 754-354-0363,, 9/4/2024, Page Terms:dentist Fort Lauderdale,