Refiling Vs. Removing Damaged Teeth: How To Decide
Posted on 9/5/2022 by Florida Smiles Dental
When you have a damaged tooth, you may wonder whether to remove or refill it. Making decisions may also be hard for you because of the pain. It is best to talk to a dentist about the options available.
You may decide on temporary solutions or permanent ones. Choose the option that is affordable to you. It is advisable to ask about the prices before getting the procedure done.
You need to consult a dentist when deciding on these options. You don't want to make a decision you will regret for the rest of your life. Here is how to decide whether to refill or remove a damaged tooth:
When To Refill A Damaged Tooth
There are various reasons you may want to refill your teeth, for instance, broken teeth, holes in your teeth, or cavities. It becomes uncomfortable to eat because of pain and teeth sensitivity.
When you visit a dentist, they will examine your teeth and tell you how they will repair them. It may take a few dental visits, according to the extent of the damage.
When To Remove A Damaged Tooth
When you have severe tooth cavities, a dentist will advise you to extract them. The tooth may be beyond repair. You may also have tried to refill, but the holes keep coming back.
After the extraction of the tooth, you can decide on two options. You can choose to stay like that or have a plastic tooth. A dentist may insert the tooth permanently, or you can select the ones you can remove on a different occasion, like when you go to bed.
When exploring the many options, you should learn more about their pros and cons. Also, the note asks how to improve oral hygiene in refilling and removing. Some are hard to maintain, while others are easy to clean. Visit our dentist to help you know whether to refill or remove a damaged tooth.
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